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Habbo Help Center

~Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! Be safe, use your head, and don't break the Habbo Way. Got something to post? Then give us an e-mail! We are here to help you with any problems you may be experiencing. If you need more help, then give us an e-mail at ContactHabboCenter@yahoo.com~
Welcome to our Help Center's Website! We are here to help you with any problems you may encounter while using Habbo Hotel. Anybody who is new, or has been scammed/hacked is welcome to visit our website and Help Center. If you need additional help that you cannot find, you can e-mail us 24/7 @ ContactHelpCenter@Yahoo.com. Don't be afraid to ask questions, that's why we're here!
- Staff of Habbo Help Center
Uh-Oh's Advice
Hey everyone, and welcome to our website! Since I love Habbo (and I know you all do too) I would just like to remind everyone that there are a lot of scams going on right now. People are just figuring out new ways to ruin everyone's fun. So be safe, and remember these three rules : Never give out your personal details; Never give out your password or any information on your Habbo; Don't disobey the Habbo Way. Be safe, and you'll have a great time on Habbo!

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